Monday, May 22, 2006


It's funny how the weather can slightly predict the mood that I posses. It's cold out right now and once again I have chosen to encompass my feet in shoes that are not classified in the catagory of warmness. I sit here thinking how wonderful it would be to not be dressed in layers and sitting in front of a wood fireplace. The sun however, is shining ever so brightly and the realization that soon warm weather will start to tan my skin and change my mood is more than enough to cause my now current feelings of coldness and discontent to subside.
Today I awoke at an hour that I am entirely positive God is not even awake; I layed there thinking that all I wanted was one more moment of sleep engulfed in my warm blankets to help me to get my day started. I did get that little boost as I awoke 20 minutes later and late for work.
It's a simple comparison but I feel that sometimes I only need a bit more understanding of who God is in my life to boost me a little bit further something tanglible to cause me to think upon his love amongst all of life's distaractions. Unfortunately I am usually the one that is rather late when in comes to hearing his voice and acting on it because of my need for predictability and comfort.
I really want to change this. As the days become longer I pray only for chaos and discomfort...