Sunday, August 20, 2006

People Steal.

I tend to not frequent around in dark...Consequently this is where I meet most of my friends:)
Anyhow, last week I was wicked tired, the roomies were gone so I decided what better to do then veg out and watch a movie in the darkness of my room, AC pumping and surround sound on. Since there is a large number of us living here it's really rare that I can personally make that much noise and not get in trouble so I was enjoying this immensely.
I went down stairs casually to promote success in my overload of laundry and saw that the one window in the laundry room was wide open and almost instantaneously freezing me to death. I likely cursed blaming it on my roommates but knowing it was probably me.
I closed the window and went upstairs to watch the second half of saved. I crawled into bed and heard some noises through the wall next to me and didn't think to much about it being in my current state of fatigue and delirium and fell asleep completely content.
Thus ends my Friday.
Sunday night I came home from work and saw all of my roommates and significant others chillin' in the kitchen and was bombarded with questions pertaining to our non existent security system. We just lock our doors.
After finding out that both of my roommates laptops were stolen turns out it happened when I was in my room. Kinda freaked me out. The window in the laundry room in the daylight showed an amazing formation of handprints that showed that the window was pushed open - where is CSI when you need them?
I think that if there is a next time I would come out of my room armed with my hot flat iron. Maybe my over sized stalk of bamboo. If you heard noises would you lock yourself in your room or confront them face to face...?


Matt said...

That sucks. This city is riddled with crime. There have been 2 cars stolen out of our parking garage in that last few weeks. Luckily mine wasn't one of them.

Rachel said...

Yikes! I'm glad you stayed safe as some crazy person roamed the rest of your house stealing stuff! We've been broken into before, too, but thankfully were not at home. I think that if someone broke in while I was there, I'd lock myself (and the girls, of course) in a room with a phone and call the police.

Terry said...

Although it's probably stupid, I'd tend towards confronting someone who broke into my apartment. I'd probably try and grab a weapon first. Hmm... if only I had a sword in my room...

Unknown said...

I'm just glad you stayed in your room with your flat iron... The thieves probably had hair that you couldn't do anything with anyway! Glad you're safe!


Dave & Kate said...

Whoa that's freaky. Glad you were ok. I don't know what I'd do if someone was in my place. I think I'd have to confront them and steal their wallet and find out where they lived so I could bust into their house. Well thats after I'd pee'd my pants of course...

Amanda said...

Ha Ha..
Best idea I've heard so far...

Meg said...

Wow. That is really crazy! Good that you're ok.
Randy was broken into in Sarnia on Durand street, but he wasn't home, so even though it sucked, it wasn't really scary.

Cynthia said...

I wouldn't confront them. If I did I'd know they'd run and I suck at tag so I'd never catch them. I think I'd hide under my bed and call the cops.

Glad you're ok.

ps. we should hang out sometime.